Starting point for diversified course

After a long summer vacation, we returned to Huzhu Elementary School in Nantou County to teach diversified class. There were 31 students in the lower grades, and the atrium classroom of Huzhu Elementary School was full of children. Although we haven’t seen each other for many months, the enthusiasm from the children has not diminished at all!

Learn the art of speaking

This semester the diversified class was led by new teacher Xu Hui. First the teacher designed a warm-up activity, inviting the children to draw animals representing themselves on the small card.  Children drew butterflies, dinosaurs, bunnies on the cards. Their unique interpretation of animals was so innocent, simple and pure.

Then teacher Xu Hui brought today’s picture books to the children, “It was started by a snail.” She uses storytelling to lead children into the story situation. Because the snail said a wrong sentence, it provoked a series of reactions.  The story taught the children to think before they speak, as a small unintentional word may affect many people.

As the story progresses, allow the children to reflect and learn to see things from different angles. And that they should learn to think, not hurt and respect others.


Allow the children to express

The teacher also asked the whole class to read picture books aloud.  Teacher stopped and asked, what does the meaning of “hurry.”  A first-grade boy raised his skinny hand urgently, thought for a moment, and said timidly into the microphone: “Hurry is an onion.” After speaking, he smiled shyly.

His words also made smile on everyone’s face. 


It doesn't matter if you don't remember me

This was the first time that teacher Xu Hui went to a remote school to give teaching. She said that teaching was like a dream but also so real. “Next time I go, will the kids remember me? Well, even if they don’t, I will still do this with enthusiasm. When I think about it this way, I can’t wait to see them next time!” said Teacher Xu Hui.

