Ren Ai Elementary School is located in Taitung City. It has a history of 74 years. The current number of students is about 280.
School’s library was built many years ago, it was donated by grandma Chen Shuju. The books in the library are precious learning resources for the children. However, in 2016, typhoon Nibert caused serious damage to the library.
With the help of many kind people, Chen Shuju Library was rebuilt and expanded. But there were no excess funds to purchase the required books.
After contact with Ren Ai Elementary School, we took school’s Academic Affairs Office recommendations and purchased a series of books suitable for children to read and sent to the school. These series of books are full of imagination and fun. Some contain reasoning logic, and some use humorous pictures and lively dialogues to learn common sense of natural science. The knowledge was presented in a completely new look.
Due to this opportunity, we began to learn more about sets of books. We have discovered that systematic arrangement and coherent new knowledge could also be a rich nourishment for children outside of the classroom. We hope that through these diversified books, children could learn more about new knowledge and explore the world.