In October, we came to Bhutan, the country with the highest happiness index in the world, and began several-day volunteer tour. I was still impressed by all the people who helped me participate in DENER’s volunteer trip. The trip to Bhutan made me more aware of what I would like to do in the future.

The organizers of DENER have carefully designed three school supplies for the students this time. Waterproof, lightweight schoolbag, Pencil case with eraser, pencil and ballpoint pen and colorful crayons. They have done a lot of work for this project and for our Bhutan trip, handling every details and making this trip to Bhutan very successful.

The elementary schools we visited were surrounded by green hills.  The environment was quiet and integrated with nature. The school building has Bhutanese architectural features. Each school has its own prayer shrine and the children would chant Manjushri Prayer every morning. Our interaction with children here deeply moved our heart.

I still remembered arriving at an elementary school at three in the afternoon and the children were already waiting for us on the playground. When I kneeled down and handed the pen over to the children, they put out their hands and looked at me with clear and bright eyes.  They all expressed gratitude to me and my heart was moved. When the children held white Khata with both hands to welcome us, the warmth rushed into the hearts and eyes. And as our car slowly left, the child held crayon in their hands and ran towards us to express their gratitude. Such scene repeatedly again and again in the short tens of days.

I was very fortunate to be able to come to Bhutan this time, and thank the DENER International Children’s Foundation for organizing it to open my heart even more. I deeply felt that I could have done more for others and for other children. If I can let go of myself more than I can help improve the living environment of other children. DENER’s organizers were aware of this and began the work more than a decade ago. Knowing is easier than doing.  They’ve done a lot of work silently. DENER believed that tiny bit of water will eventually flow into the sea, and little things can give the child more beautiful future. This is the first time we participated and we wanted to follow in the footsteps of DENER. Every child is worth to be cherished and needed our love and care. We only need to extend our love and responsibilities to others like the way we treat our own kids. In this way, more children would grow up happily and healthily.

We also learned that DENER not only provides some learning tools for children now, but also hope to train volunteer teachers in the future so that they can provide some spiritual nourishment into children’s education. As long as you are willing to give something, the children you are assisting and yourself will both lead a much colorful future.

Volunteer Qian Qian




當伸出手遞上一件件文具,看見孩子們臉上喜悅的表情,嘴角是彎彎的,蹦蹦跳跳來領文具。讓我想起了,小時候有人送我文具時的場景,那種快樂和無以言表的幸福∼∼原來給予是雙向的,好似文具是給他們的,他們卻也給予我心靈最深處的溫暖,謝謝你們!”~ Lilly 李顏全