I am very glad to participate in the training course for seed teachers at DENER. This course has made me understand more about teaching techniques and methods for teaching children.

The teachers used step-by-step method to allow us to know where to pay our attention in the teaching process, especially in regard to reading children’s books as well as how to encourage their critical and creative abilities.  After taking several classes, I discovered that reading is not just about reading. It can also generate many interesting small activities so that children can get deep into the meaning of the story.

And with these lessons, I found that through teaching, I’m also learning. In addition to improving children’s abilities, my own abilities are also greatly improved and it becomes a peer learning model between myself and children.

This group of experienced teachers are very dedicated to teaching us.  They have organized and analyzed many different teaching methods. Each class has a different teaching technique. I enjoyed this design very much, in which in the morning we were taught the core principles and the teacher arranged an art class in the afternoon to get us to practice. In this way, I also gain some skills to interact with the children.

In addition, the teachers also arranged group discussions during the class so that our seed teachers could interact and exchange ideas with one another.  I also had the opportunity to express myself more bravely and share my opinions in presentations and on stage.

I believe that such practices will give me more courage during teaching and also make use of what we have learned to teach children more effectively!

Seed Teacher Xu/writing




當伸出手遞上一件件文具,看見孩子們臉上喜悅的表情,嘴角是彎彎的,蹦蹦跳跳來領文具。讓我想起了,小時候有人送我文具時的場景,那種快樂和無以言表的幸福∼∼原來給予是雙向的,好似文具是給他們的,他們卻也給予我心靈最深處的溫暖,謝謝你們!”~ Lilly 李顏全

兒童助學 可愛的孩子