I am honored to have the chance to join DENER’s 2019 seed teacher training and my heart is full of gratitude! Thanks to founder Angela for creating a kind, beautiful, and warm organization for the world. Members of DENER’s Children Foundation are like the masters in the picture book story ” Miss Rumphius”, spreading the intelligent seeds of hope, warmth, and love so children’s world would become more beautiful!

Participating in the seed teacher training class, I felt that the teacher group was very attentive, passed down many years of teaching techniques to the seed teachers in order to enrich their teaching strength. In fact, teaching strategies can be so diverse and interesting. They can be led through drama, broadcast, board games, mind maps and art.

Reading is like a butterfly effect that unfolds tremendous changes in thought, value, knowledge and behavior. Before reading, one can guide the questions to stimulate imagination and curiosity; During reading, one can understand the knowledge and the context in the book; Using mind maps to extract key points and integrate into summary. And finally, when I display my results, I found that I needed to strengthen the integration and narrative ability.

What impressed me the most was Teacher Xu’s science reading class. Teacher Xu, who spent a lot of effort accompanying children, taking the class outside through practical exploration, contacting with the nature, and leading children to explore the philosophy and social issues in an “environmental education” manner. He is devoted to lead students to learn and grow, and encourage students to express their ideas. Teacher Xu did not give students standard answers but train students to feel, reflect and put forward critical opinions, and be responsible for their own decisions. When I discussed with Teacher Xu, his attitude touched me and gave me support.

Good teachers will discover students’ talents and encourage students to believe in their own self-worth. If there were many more good teachers in the world like Teacher Xu, I believe the world would be wonderful.

Every child is unique. Through reading, one can access the world and dig the treasure of life wisdom. Multiple teaching strategies stimulate children’s reading interest as well as open up international perspectives and connect them with the world and inspire children’s potential. Finally, the purpose of reading is to nurture children to learn on their own, turn their destiny through the power of knowledge.

To sum up, I hope that I can become a person who has the ability to pass love on. I hope more people would join DENER! Let love spread! Enrich your life experience, and make our world full of hope and warmth!

Seed teacher Jun Hui




當伸出手遞上一件件文具,看見孩子們臉上喜悅的表情,嘴角是彎彎的,蹦蹦跳跳來領文具。讓我想起了,小時候有人送我文具時的場景,那種快樂和無以言表的幸福∼∼原來給予是雙向的,好似文具是給他們的,他們卻也給予我心靈最深處的溫暖,謝謝你們!”~ Lilly 李顏全

兒童助學 可愛的孩子