On May 5, 2019, the seed teacher training course officially began at DENER. The lessons from 9am to 4pm would be taught by teacher Huang, teacher Pan and teacher Zhou. Teacher Huang graduated from National Chia-Yi University, majoring in curriculum design and teaching. He was a member of the preliminary textbook review team at the Ministry of Education. After retiring from Jian Ping Primary School in Taichung City, he served as a lecturer and course counselors at the Senior Learning Center. During this course, he taught us the basics of course design.


In the beginning of the class, teacher Huang applauded the trainees’ courage and confidence. He told us that as a volunteer, we must prepare ourselves with several abilities. The first was a service attitude. We would go a long way in providing education for kids in the remote area with positive and enthusiastic attitude; the second was service knowledge, that is, a good understanding of the service content; the third was the service strength. We must have professional skills so that we could provide good teaching services.

Teacher Huang went on to explain the importance of curriculum design. The purpose of the course design was to arouse the students’ curiosity so we must make the teaching activities lively.  Hence, preparatory work becomes very important. The more detailed the course was designed, the better the implementation will be. When organizing class activities, we will need to incorporate the main idea with each teacher’s expertise because teachers would need to guide the students to think. And teaching, like other experiences in our life, is a process of constant revisions. Finally, the teacher asked the students to have a group discussion.

Afternoon class was Teacher Pan’s reading methods. Mr. Pan is a multi-talent teacher. After retirement, she served as a tea ceremony teacher in many elementary, secondary schools and summer camps. She is also a lecturer of Japanese crystal flowers. This time, teacher Pan brought many children’s picture books as reference materials for the trainees. After introducing several classic picture books, the teacher gave reading demonstrations on the “The Giving Tree “, ” The Wide-Mouthed Frog” and ” My Sister Is Different “. After Teacher Pan’s demonstration, students learned that storytelling can be carried out step by step in many different ways.


The second lesson in the afternoon was Teacher Cuiying’s talent class.  She conveyed creative thinking through art works. After retiring from Taichung Municipal Fong-Jia Elementary School, teacher Cuiying devoted himself to many volunteer services. She shared her previous volunteering experience in northern Thailand. She also explained that because of the lack of supplies in remote areas, the children actually yearned for different talents. Talents not only inspired children’s creativity, but also reduced the distance between the teachers and children. The trainees also made clay paintings by themselves under the guidance of Teacher Cuiying.

Each student finished the work with his or her own story and beauty yet when you brought all the final works together, you will find that it became another wonderful work. Just like the students who joined “Seed Teacher Project” at DENER, they all had different specialties and interests but are united due to a common vision and that is to help the children in remote areas. We believe in the near future, everyone would take on an indispensable role.