After returning from Yushu in mid-August, there was a lot of feeling. From visiting Dangka Monastery, Thrangu Monastery and Tashu Monastery, what I gained was a lot more than just the scenery. In these remote areas, Buddhist monasteries had brought spiritual support to the local villagers and have played a significant role in making the Tibetan Buddhism more widely accessible. I felt the Tibetan Buddhist culture for the first time and felt that this group of monks and young monks played a great role in promoting Tibetan Buddhism. After all, for the Tibetans, if one person among the family was to become a monk, the entire family would be so proud.  Looking at the group of innocent little monks, I really liked them. Maybe their material conditions were not as good as compared to those of big cities or even second- and third-tier cities children. But their optimism, cheerfulness and wisdom were the greatest. Finally, thank you very much for DENER and friends who took me to experience this!

~Volunteer Jiaxiang

I still remember that day in early October, I dragged my overweight luggage to go to the airport. After 3 hours of transit and 7 hours of flights, we’ve finally arrived in Nepal. When the plane was ready to land, I watched the green hills against the blue sky, white clouds and colorful houses outside.  And I couldn’t help but expressed my love for this country.

As the only member of the team who did not have such deep faith, when I first saw the itinerary of monasteries and school, I was a little worried. But after a few days, it proved that these remote monasteries were the most beautiful and most worthwhile places in Nepal. For example, at Boudhanath Stupa, I felt that it was not that we look at the stupa, but the stupa quietly looks at each of us, hoping that we know life does not have to be complete everywhere. At the cave where Padmasambhava went on retreat and the place where Buddha once gave away his body to the tiger, I felt that I gain the courage and purity.  When I saw the first golden light shining at Thrangu Monastery during the sunrise at Namo Buddha, it made me feel the blessing of a holy place and rejoice.  And at Pullhari, when we saw Jamgon Khentrul Rinpoche’s stupa, I realized the impermanence of life.

An important itinerary of our trip to Nepal was to distribute schoolbags and stationery to the little monks and little ani on behalf of DENER.  The Ani were the first to unpack and try the backpack excitedly as compared to the more reserved group of small lamas. There were little monks that even chase out to ask us in English “how did you make these bags?” Older students would tell us that they had also received stationery from DENER in the past few years. The innocence and curiosity expressed by these students were something that has been missing from urban children with better material conditions.  Compared with the material help we gave them, they gave us more spiritual feedbacks.

Finally, I would like to thank all the kind people we met along the way. Thanks for partners and friends’ help and tolerance, and I look forward to next time! ~Volunteer Olivia




當伸出手遞上一件件文具,看見孩子們臉上喜悅的表情,嘴角是彎彎的,蹦蹦跳跳來領文具。讓我想起了,小時候有人送我文具時的場景,那種快樂和無以言表的幸福∼∼原來給予是雙向的,好似文具是給他們的,他們卻也給予我心靈最深處的溫暖,謝謝你們!”~ Lilly 李顏全

兒童助學 可愛的孩子